This week on Arrow, some downright crazy things happened.
Laurel fights Sara (in a drug induced trip, thanks to some Vertigo.)

Oliver finally confessed his secret vigilante identity to Thea.

Thea takes it pretty well.

That one Vertigo dude from the beginning of the season escaped. But not before Laurel punched him in the face.

Thea suddenly reconsiders working with her father and of all things, Oliver is the one trying to keep them together.

Creepy DJ boy toy attacks Thea, admitting that he’s a member of the League.

Captain Lance found out that Laurel has been playing the role of Canary while Sara is away…

…and Laurel finally told him that Sara is dead and gone.

Stay tuned for next week on Arrow! We might get answers to some questions, like:
Will Oliver and Felicity make up?

Will the Huntress come hang out with the new Canary?

Why did Amanda Waller take Oliver to Starling City in the flashbacks?

Will Oliver have yet another fight to the death with Ra’s where no one, in fact, dies?

Is there always money in the banana stand?