You know what’s really cool? How inventive geeks can be. Seriously, just take a gander at all the cosplayers that permeate any comic convention. Yeah, there’s some bad ones. And some dudes dressed as chicks. …and Bronys. (God help those poor bastards). Okay, you saw the bad ones, they’re around. What I WANT you to do is look at all the COOL costumes.
And then look at my personal favorite: The Cardboard costumes.
Things of beauty, really. They bring out a whole new dimension in any character. A kind of home made charm, that can also be really impressive looking as well. Anyways, why don’t I just get straight to showing you what I’m talking about?

What’s great about this costume is the attitude. You can pull anything off if you believe in it enough. (Yeah, I just realized how Peter Pan that sounded right after I wrote that). But you don’t have to just take my word for it, check out how much this dude inspired complete strangers.

And THIS lady!

And then there’s those that have been… ENHANCED by cardboard. For the internet, of course, and our amusement.

And last but not least, my absolute favorite cardboard mech/annoyed pet.

Well, that was a quick set of cardboard cosplay goodness for you eyeballs. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe even got inspired some!