For six years Agent Denise has been working undercover on the front lines at Comics Unlimited. It is in this store where she reads, sells, organizes, and acts out comic books new and old. You can track her capricious thought process and love/hate affinity for shitty television on Twitter: @ironpissed or on Tumblr:

This week I need to get a lot of things off my mind: Bob Wayne leaving DC, David Goyer’s hateful ignorance, Edgar Wright’s abrupt abandonment so let’s step away from the world of men and talk about the ice cold beauty and regality of Natalie Dormer and Emma Frost.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

I’m distressed to admit I didn’t always love Emma.  During the height of my faux-misogynistic years I called her a lot of terrible names and sounded a lot like the men in politics today.  I slut-shamed, I slut-shamed so hard and I feel pretty awful about it.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I was a huge Scott/Jean fan either.  To me they were that golden high school couple, the head cheerleader and the star football player.  They were nice together but mostly, they were their own kind of screwed up and you wouldn’t wish that on anyone else.

But then here comes the baddest bitch in school, the one with too much cleavage and rings on every finger and the haircut that no one would ever consider because who the hell is that stylish when they’re 17?!  The kind of girl that, looking back ten years later, you wish you were in high school.  That’s my girl Emma Frost.  Deadly and unpredictable with an undeniable beauty that she wears like brass knuckles.  In recent years I’ve grown to absolutely love her and the only way I can show that love is by dreamcasting her the best I can.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

I’m not going to assume everyone watches or is caught up on Game of Thrones, judging from the other agents alone I think I’m possibly one of two who is actively watching every week.  But even I fell behind in the last month so last Sunday my family and I caught up.  I watched four episodes in a row and dear god that is a lot to take in.  But one character that I started to really root for last season and just flat out stan this season is Margaery Tyrell.  All hail, the rightful queen.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

First of all, I’m obsessed with Natalie’s face.  There’s no other way to put it, I’m distracted by it all day and haunted by it until late in the night.  She has this very delicate balance of stately aloofness and pained regret.  Like an ancient deity who has seen your troubles many times and knows history will only repeat itself.  Her face makes me want to write sonnets and novellas and songs that never get finished but linger in hotel rooms like a familiar perfume.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

I have to stop talking about her unearthly good looks before I combust.  As a person, from what little I know as an adoring fan of course, Natalie is a real HBIC.  She’s been known to call out red carpet paparazzi for misogynistic remarks, throw up some serious feminist sass at press junkets, and happily question gender roles and beauty standards.  Now if that doesn’t sound like the White Queen herself then you’re kidding yourself.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

Emma has been forced to wear some of the X-Men’s most ridiculous costumes but has that ever stopped her from crushing people who belittle and underestimate her.  Her once cold, untrustworthy nature became motherly and reliable.  A kindness that strangers could easily overlook but those she considers family had trouble ignoring.  After years of being on the wrong side of mutantdom then even more years of proving her allegiance to the right cause she continues to fight for those that need protection.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

She doesn’t bother concerning herself with trivial problems like overt acts of machismo or prejudice.  Emma will laugh at you while completely ripping apart every idiotic thought in your head.  AND, this is a very big plus for me, she doesn’t do this while shying away from her sexuality or feminity!  She is proud to be a woman who loves clothes and shoes and expensive, lavish gifts!  She knows she’s a total sex bomb but at no point does she disregard that.  She is proud to be a bougie bitch and she can still kick your ass a million times over. For me that’s the most inspiring part, she isn’t choosing pretty things over fighting crime, she likes both so she does both.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

From what we’ve seen of Natalie Dormer so far she likes to play women who don’t play the wallflower game.  It’s not the limelight she’s seeking but the characters that break the mold.  I think Emma Frost would be genius for her.  She could flex those muscles in her renaissance face and unleash that look she’s known for.  The “I’m going to murder you and you’re going to like it” look.  She would wear the hell out of pretty much any White Queen costume and god I would love to hear her snarking in everyone’s head.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

Usually I’m pleading for my dreamcasting because I think I’m convinced the actor would benefit from the role and the character would benefit by having such a compatibly strong force behind it.  But really this time around I just want it to happen.  Techinically Dormer had a small appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger so the fact that she and Sebastian Stan were even on the same movie set together makes me weak at the knees.  But I think she deserves to play such an endearing and complex character.  Plus, then she can add it to the other gems she’s collected besides Margaery Tyrell like Anne Boleyn, Moriarty, and the upcoming Mockingjay’s Cressida.  After all, diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

Dreamcasting with denise emma frost white queen natalie dormer x-men margaery tyrell game of thrones marvel comics

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