Film fanatic who can't stop writing about/talking about/ and even make films. Follow me on Twitter: @JustinQuizon and on Tumblr:

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I know…I know….if you are a reader of this site, you already know what you are watching this weekend. BUT, if that big movie that’s pictured above is honestly not your cup of tea, then this week does give you a few other options! So lets see what other new films are coming out on May 1, 2015!


What’s it about? Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World Cups. Three ways to fight in order to survive.

My thoughts? A thriller with multiple time lines, multiple characters and multiple story lines. A tough thing to juggle if you’re not careful, but the footage seems to have a nice and confident style to it. That being said, this movie already came out in 2011 in Mexico so I’m wondering why it’s making it’s way here after four years. Not sure if that’s a case of quality or just simple issues on who owns the rights. Either way, this looks pretty interesting.


What’s it about? When Alice Klieg wins the Mega-Millions lottery, she immediately quits her psychiatric meds and buys her own talk show.

My thoughts? I’ve been digging the film choices Kristen Wiig has done since Bridesmaids. She’s been staying away from doing big studio comedies, and mostly doing films that interest her and give her some great acting challenges. That being said, I really liked what I saw in this one because it feels like a bit of the SNL Kristen Wiig is popping up here. The concept of the talk show feels like an extended SNL skit, expect it doesn’t feel like a tired joke. Perhaps its the combination of the more grounded approach to the comedy and it’s interesting backstory for our lead that makes this movie feel unique. Oh, and I laugh quiet a bit while watching this trailer. I also LOVE the cast in this. It’s full of actors that are criminally underused (James Marsden, Wes Bently, Alan Tudyk, Joan Cusack, Linda Cardellini, and Jennifer Jason Leigh to name a FEW.) This certainly got my attention and I definitely plan on checking it out.


What’s it about? A mother travels cross-country to California to be with her son after he decides to drop out of school and become a surfer.

My thoughts? Speaking of criminally underused actors, watching this trailer reminded me how much I liked Helen Hunt. This looks like a pretty solid coming of age story that’s not about the son, but about the mother and I dig that. This is Helen’s second feature film as a director, and I think this might end up being a small delight.


What’s it about? In Victorian England, the independent and headstrong Bathsheba Everdene attracts three very different suitors: Gabriel Oak, a sheep farmer; Frank Troy, a reckless Sergeant; and William Boldwood, a prosperous and mature bachelor.

My thoughts? As a person who is recovering from having a massive crush on Carey Mulligan all I can say is, gentlemen….I understand. That aside, this is the perfect kind of role for her. She gets to be charming, powerful, and brave. She gets to be the lead in a film that looks to have some sweeping epic visuals. Again, looking solid. (Oh, and we’re all rooting for the farmer guy to get her right? I mean, its obvious.)


What’s it about? Good policing doesn’t necessarily mean doing everything by the book. But as the business of crime in London turns to favour the Albanians and Turks, how does a “good” policeman survive?

My thoughts? Nice, gritty and dirty looking in all the right ways. Could be a real nasty time in the theaters if you’re in the mood for it.


What’s it about? When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and it is up to the Avengers to stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his terrible plans.

My thoughts? Expectation can be a killer thing. When you made a film that nearly shattered the box office, created a HUGE fanbase, strengthened and solidified a studio to be THE studio in Hollywood….a sequel to that film is gonna create some kind of disappointment. So, what I’m saying is the get ready to be disappointed in some fashion. Why? Because expecting it to the be the greatest film ever is no fair to ANY movie (please remember this when Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes out.) So, why am I saying all this? Because I want you guys to watch this new film and let it be what it is, not what you hope it’s gonna be. From the reviews for this one, it’s got plenty to be excited about. Joss went into overdrive and made sure Hawkeye gets to be a REAL character (remember, he was mostly mind controlled in the last film) Black Widow and the Hulk get plenty of great moments, and the action looks to be the most comic booky action committed to film since…well, the first film. And since it’s Whedon back in the writing part of the film as well, I’m sure the dialogue will be on point, the humor will be great, and our heroes get to do some amazing things. So yeah, I’ll put my expectations on a realistic level and look forward to what this film will bring!

So what about you folks? What films are you most interested in seeing this weekend? Let us know in the comments below!

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