Born and raised in California, Nathan has been a fiend for geeky pop culture for years. ESPECIALLY comic books and movies. Can't get enough. He also likes writing his own comic books (The Shrouded City) and drinking sparkling water. Maybe it shows we've grown as a society that nobody makes fun of him for making comic books... but he does get a lot of s**t for drinking sparkling water. Win some, lose some. If you feel like it, you can follow his twitter musings: @natethegreater

This is what I look like when I talk like a Pirate.
This is what I look like when I talk like a Pirate.

Today is National Talk Like a Pirate Day.  This is the day of the year where you throw aside your usual bastardization of the English language and take up the sweet vocal eruptions of… THE PIRATE.

Vocabulary includes:
Arrh.  Avast.  Matey.  Shiver.  Me.  Timbers.  Ahoy.  Land lubber.  Arrrrh.  Ye.  Gibbets.  Broadside.  D’arrh.  Wench.  Hearties.  Parrot.  Aye.  ARRH!  Rum.  Cap’n.  First Mate.  Squab.  Jellyfish.  Lilly liver.  Yar.  Davy Jones’ Locker.  Cannon.  Black Beard.  Gold.  X.  Treasure.  Yo Ho.  Bilge rat.  Jolly Roger.  Anchor.  Barnacle.  Chum.  Blow.

And that’s just beginner stuff.  But whenever in doubt, just squint one eye, open half your mouth (preferably just one side of your face), and strrrrretch the “R’s” in everrrrrything you say or mutterrrrrr.

The image of Pirates have changed a lot over the years.  From scary mu’fuggahs of the sea like O.G. Blackbeard the Pirate here:


To a much more cuddly, Disney version:


"Blackbeard's Ghost"
“Blackbeard’s Ghost”

Hell, just check out Captain Hook’s progression:

Classic Dastardly
Classic Dastardly
Scary Blonde
Scary Blonde
Nobleman Jerk
Nobleman Jerk
Scary and... SEXY?
Scary and… SEXY?

I’ve actually loved every version of Captain Hook to come down the pike.  I can’t wait until the next version!

Anyways, to test your Pirate Voice, here’s an amazing song to sing at random bystanders!

Remember:  Squint an eye, and open half your mouth.  And hit those “R’s” like they be hiding yer treasure, ye scallywag!

Drunken Sailor Lyrics

What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!


Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Earl-eye in the morning

Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Earl-eye in the morning!


Put him in the hold with the Captain’s daughter,
Put him in the hold with the Captain’s daughter,
Put him in the hold with the Captain’s daughter,
Earl-eye in the morning!


What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!


Put him the back of the paddy wagon,
Put him the back of the paddy wagon,
Put him the back of the paddy wagon,
Earl-eye in the morning!


Throw him in the lock-up ’til he’s sober,
Throw him in the lock-up ’til he’s sober,
Throw him in the lock-up ’til he’s sober,
Earl-eye in the morning!


What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!


What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!


Excellent work, savvy?
Excellent work, savvy?

Now you sound… LIKE A PIRATE.

(And yes, the lyrics are very, very rapey.  People seem to forget how awful pirates really were).

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