This week on Arrow, some surprising things happened.
The Arrow is back in town, having beaten certain death at the hands of Ra’s al Ghul.

Oliver Queen is also back in town, after some ridiculous Bruce Wayne-like escapades (or so he claims.)

Brick is no longer a threat to the Glades.

Barry and Caitlin had literally the cutest moment together on tv all year when they both realized they are lonely and decided to hang out and lean on each other as friends.

Malcolm Merlyn had feels and did a magic trick.

The Arrow and Malcolm Merlyn, due to certain death and feels respectively, decided to create an alliance.

Felicity drops the mic cuz this shit is ridic.

Someone finally noticed that Canary’s cleavage got smaller and her hair looks fake.

…and told Captain Lance.

Stay tuned for next week!!!!! We might find out answers to some important things, like:
Do we even need to go back to China?

Will Sara Lance die again?

Is Felicity the only person on this show with a brain?

In what ways would this show be better if the Arrow commenced each fight by shooting a pie-arrow at his foe?