Film fanatic who can't stop writing about/talking about/ and even make films. Follow me on Twitter: @JustinQuizon and on Tumblr:


As I said last week, I said I was gonna be a bit more choosy on what movies I’m gonna write about. I’m gonna write about the films that really excite me or films that I have something interesting to say about the film.

So it’s only fitting that after I made that decision that the following week….only three movies are coming out and I’m not really that excited for any of them.

Sure, I’m not really AGAINST seeing any of them, but certainly nothing this week is really pumping me up to try to make the effort.

Oh well…so here are this weeks new films…..


What’s it about? After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the U.S., where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends.

My thoughts? I’ve somehow keep seeing this trailer in the theaters over and over again. Truthfully, it doesn’t look that bad. At best it could be a simple charmer that would be harmless to see…at worst we’ll forget it even existed. Redford and Nolte do look like they are having fun in this, and I’m always happy to see Emma Thompson in anything.



What’s it about? In the south of France, former special-ops mercenary Frank Martin enters into a game of chess with a femme-fatale and her three sidekicks who are looking for revenge against a sinister Russian kingpin.

My thoughts? Is there really any point rebooting the Transporter concept with out Jason Statham? Is the demand for this series really that strong that people will see it simply because it’s another Transporter thing? Is that working for the TV show? Did you even KNOW there was a Transporter TV show? Much like the Hitman: Agent 47 film, I feel this one is sorta just out there to exist because they have the IP, so they might as well use it. It’s interesting to me how much of a full on reboot this is. It’s not a prequel the the Statham movies. We got modern iPhones and they made Frank Martin much younger. The new Frank Martin (Ed Skein) isn’t really doing much for me. He seems decent in the fight scenes, but he doesn’t have Stathams prowess and ferociousness. Could be a decent watch at some point, but I’ll probably only sit through it if I see it on basic cable.



What’s it about? Two strangers stuck in Manhattan for the night grow into each other’s most trusted confidants when an evening of unexpected adventure forces them to confront their fears and take control of their lives.

My thoughts? I’ve been a Chris Evans fan since Not Another Teen Movie. The fact that he was the only legitimately funny thing in that piece of garbage really impressed me.  I’m excited to see him branch out into directing. Granted,  judging from the trailer it feels like Evans is playing it safe on the kind of character he’s playing (i.e. it’s another lovable, scruffy charmer) but I like the chemistry between him and Alice Eve.  I think it’s awesome that Alice Eve really does shine in much smaller and intimate movies like this one, as it seems like the big movies are too busy focusing on her looks.  I like that this film is a character piece, and that the main cast really is just these two characters giving us a movie that would be a nice entertaining window into these peoples lives.

So, what about you folks? Did any of these grab your attention? Let us know in the comments below!

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