There are some pretty heavy rumors swirling about that LucasFilm may be adapting fan-favorite and best Star Wars game ever Knights of the Old Republic…
It’s happened. It’s over. The box office is obliterated, our tear ducts are drained dry, and the shape of our asses will never be the…
UPDATE: I incorrectly listed Tom Brevoort as the writer of the issue in discussion, when in fact Nick Spencer is the writer. Tom Brevoort is…
The trailer for "Star Wars: Rogue One" has just dropped right on our dumb faces. Here it is! That's how you do a trailer.…
Gritty Power Rangers Film Drops Ever wanted to see a Power Ranger shoot a bunch of people in the face? Good news! Today, Torque / Music…
The new, mysterious Fantastic Four reboot finally has a teaser trailer! Dig in below: Okay, so now that you’ve seen it, WE MAY COMMENCE…
So I'm sitting here trying to pretend I can write about anything else that isn't the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer. I failed. Miserably. …
There are talks that the San Diego Comic Con maybe leaving San Diego after 2016. One of the biggest contenders vying for the Comic Con…
Barbara Gordon, aka the OG Batgirl, just got a fresh set of threads, the kind that come with a new creative team looking to carve their names into the…
Okay, so what the fuggity WHAT is going on at Marvel? Edgar Wright leaves Ant-Man over "Creative Differences" with Marvel. Just no, dammit, NO.…